Our Courses

Are you ready to begin your Mojave journey?

We're for the self-doubter, the grower, the self-starter, the reinventor, the confident trailblazer...... whoever you are and whatever level you are at we are for you!

Are you ready to find your way out of the wilderness and emerge stronger?
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
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Online learning

We provide online courses that prepare everyone for the real world of Leadership and Management. We offer an array of courses that put people at the centre of everything we do.
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Mojave Strategy Programme

Strategy. It’s a word with powerful connotations. That’s because it describes something which is inherently powerful.

This is your journey through the desert wilderness to a stronger strategy
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Elite Board Review

The Board is the highest authority in any organisation. What happens there reverberates across the entire business.

How Elite is yours?
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Senior Leader Simulator

Strategic based simulation process that helps business make an informed decision. An experiential group exercise where an organisation can pressure test an existing strategy, simulate, verify and challenge strategic decisions in a dynamic market environment.
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Peak Performance Expedition

We understand that getting the most out of your Senior Leadership Team means putting them in a different environment, getting them out of their comfort zone and helping them broaden perspectives by broadening their horizons. 
Our Peak Performance Expeditions are tailor made team building events and away days that do just that and get your top team working at their peak performance.
Our online courses

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Our Emerge Stronger Podcast+ Club

Check out our Podcast+ Club courses

Course and Accreditation Bundles

Our Expeditions

Check out our Expeditions

This is your journey
through the desert wilderness
to a stronger strategy.
Starting from:


Because every organisations needs are different

Mojave Strategy Programme

Strategy. It’s a word with powerful connotations. That’s because it describes something which is inherently powerful.

The problem is that in today’s world, it’s a word that is hugely overused. People use it to describe any kind of deliberate intent that they think is important, without thinking about whether it is strategic, operational or tactical.

The result is that many, many business people, whether fairly early in their journey or with years of experience under their belt, are confused about what strategy is, how to develop it and how to apply it.

The Mojave Strategy Programme (MSP) aims to address directly the first two parts of that statement, and to inform the third.

So come with us on a journey to emerge with a stronger strategy.

Elite Board Review

Governance best practice, as advised by the Financial Reporting Council’s Corporate Governance Code and the Institute of Directors, is that Boards subject themselves to an external review every three years. This is to help ensure ‘group think’, ‘cognitive dissonance’ and ‘affirmation bias’ don’t become a hidden aspect of the key decision making entity in any organisation.

We offer a comprehensive Board Review service and produce a thorough report for the Boards consideration.

So come with us on a journey to emerge with a stronger Board.
A journey through the desert wilderness to a stronger Board.
Starting from:


Because every organisations needs are different
Test run your Senior Leaders before they head out into the desert wilderness


Because every organisations needs are different

Senior Leader Simulator

Our Senior Leader Simulator is scenario-based training that seeks to maximise the engagement and utility of training events by making the training as realistic and demanding as possible for the training audience, while also ensuring that the training produces a tangible and relevant output for your business itself.

The Senior Leader Simulator (SLS) does this by using a scenario that your business is likely to face to expose the training audience to likely events, pressures, information flows and processes that they would actually need to navigate in real world events.

So come with us on a journey to emerge with a stronger senior leaders.

Peak Performance Expeditions

Great team dynamics are vital for high performance.  And Great team dynamics are built upon great relationships. But relationships will only ever be so deep if they are only ever based on interactions in a single environment. If you want your team to develop better, deeper, richer relationships then getting them into new, unfamiliar environments is a very effective methodology.

Our Peak performance Expeditions do just that.
With our partners we develop experiences for you and your team that enable them to discover more about themselves and each other. With that improved understanding of each other, they unlock whole new levels of capability and team work.

So come with us on a journey to emerge with a stronger senior leadership team.
A journey through the desert wilderness to a stronger senior leadership Team.


Because every organisations needs are different

Watch | Consolidate | Reflect | Apply| Emerge Stronger

Let us guide you through your very own Mojave journey so that you can Emerge Stronger from your leadership wilderness.
Write your awesome label here.

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