This is your journey
through the desert wilderness
to a stronger Board.
Starting from:


Because every organisation is different

Elite Board Review

Boards are a critical component of any organisation. They are responsible for providing clear direction and support to the Executive. Consequently, inefficiencies at the Board level reverberate throughout an organisation. In the worst cases, dysfunctional Boards can paralyse a business. Maintaining an effective Board is therefore of vital importance.

Boards usually initiate an external review for one of two reasons:

  1. As part of a routine of good governance. Regular external reviews of a Board are widely considered as ‘best practice’ by bodies such as the Financial Reporting Council and Institute of Directors. They help to identify risks such as group think, cognitive dissonance, procedural weak points, unconscious deviation from stated intent or other factors that Boards themselves may be too close to the issue to spot. They also demonstrate a commitment to good governance to multiple stakeholders and investors.
  2. To explore questions held by shareholders, the Board or other key stakeholders. There are occasions in the development of many organisations where the business itself, or the environment it is operating in, evolves. In these circumstances a Board that was entirely fit for purpose may find that it is less able to provide the business with the clarity of direction it requires. If left unaddressed, this can be fatal to the wider business, as it constrains the ability to provide the momentum required to stay competitive.
Our Board Reviews provide a Board with an objective view, free from any internal bias or influence, such that a Board is given the opportunity to identify and respond to issues that could weaken its ability to support the business over time. This impartiality means our review may draw conclusions that some parties do not agree with, but appeasing all parties is not the function of an external review; helping a Board to provide the strength of leadership and governance required of it is. A Review is an advisory service only. It is intended to help ensure a Board is conscious of aspects that may previously have been masked from their view but which require their consideration if the business is to be best served. What elements a Board ultimately agrees with and takes forward always remains their decision.

Every Review includes:

  • A full review of all existing governance frameworks and documents, including the existing strategy
  • Issue and review of survey results with each Director/Trustee and any other relevant persons to provide quantitative data
  • An in-depth interview with each Director/Trustee and any other relevant persons to provide qualitative data
  • Attendance and observation of at least one Board Meeting (including a review of the Board pack, agenda and report)
  • Follow up discussions with key persons
  • A full report assessing the Board’s current performance against established metrics
  • Any recommendations as to areas that could be improved (including, wherever possible, templates for discussion/development by the Board)
  • Presentation of all findings to the Board or selected representatives
The Elite Board Review can also include an Insight Discovery profiling assessment for each Director to better understand the team dynamics on the Board and inform future development.

Previous clients of our Board Review service have said:

"Over the past decade, our consulting firm has been on a remarkable growth journey.
Ensuring strong governance is key to the future success of the company. This is why we decided to engage Mojave to conduct a review of our Board of Directors. Mojave demonstrated an unparalleled level of professionalism and brought an extraordinary depth of expertise. They conducted a thorough review but most importantly provided some great tools to help enable the Board to reach the next level as our business continues to grow."
Matteo Perucchini, Founder and CEO of Cambridge Healthcare Research
So come with us on a journey to emerge with a stronger Board.

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Sales and Marketing Director
Espace GLOBAL Ltd

Expedition - Mojave Strategy Programme

Mojave Strategy Programme

"After one hour session with Mojave we made more progress than any of the other people we had been introduced to...

..... For the first time in our twenty three year history we’ve actually got a commercial strategy that we’re completely happy with."

Elite Board Review

"Over the past decade, our consulting firm has been on a remarkable growth journey.

Ensuring strong governance is key to the future success of the company. This is why we decided to engage Mojave to conduct a review of our Board of Directors.

Mojave demonstrated an unparalleled level of professionalism and brought an extraordinary depth of expertise. They conducted a thorough review but most importantly provided some great tools to help enable the Board to reach the next level as our business continues to grow."
Matteo Perucchini, Founder and CEO of Cambridge Healthcare Research

Elite Board Review

"Personally I believe I have benefitted from the process, how I should act as chairman and how I think about the business strategically. 

Mojave are an excellent outfit who identify issues and help you arrive at concrete and practical solutions."
Casey Norman, Chair of the Board Ox Delivers
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