Mojave Newsletter


We thought you'd like to know a bit more about what we're up to at Mojave.
Below you can find out what we're working on, how the latest courses are coming along, our latest Emerge Stronger podcast topics and be the first to know about any new releases we have on the horizon.
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What we're up to...

A strategy fit for ESPACE

Since January 2023 Nick has been working with the incredible team of senior leaders at Espace Global Fright Ltd based in Staffordshire. Having recently transitioned to an Employee Ownership Trust model of ownership the executive team were keen to develop a thorough and purposeful strategy to take the business forward for the benefit of all its employees as well as its customers.

 For our part, we were keen that we didn’t just help the executive team develop a strategy, but that we ensured they became confident enough in their own ability to conduct strategic planning in the future.

 The experience has been really exciting for both parties. We’ve seen the team really engage with and enjoy the process (as did we!), developing in confidence in every session, and the executive team have seen how their existing knowledge and capability was all they needed to produce a great – and really exciting and compelling – strategy. A strategy which can be clearly communicated across the business to inform, and provide a clear focus to, the operational activity throughout the business in the years ahead.
 Our favourite quote from one of the Espace members to their colleagues? “This stuff is really exciting isn’t it!” Yes it is! And we think it should be for everyone - that’s part of our Mojave mission!
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Course Development

Leading People online course

It's been in the pipeline for over 6 months, and we have been beavering away to ensure that this really is a top quality course.  But we are pleased to say we're in the final stages - dotting the 'i's' and crossing the 't's' of testing before releasing our Leading People online course.  But don't take our word for it watch the trailer for yourself.  

 If you want to be the first to know when this course is hot off the press then ....

What's new....

Change Awards

Next month we’re attending the Change Awards in London.     
Because we were nominated!
We’re really looking forward to a great night discovering inspirational people all striving to drive positive change in business and beyond.  We’ll report back next month on how we did!   Wish us Good Luck!

Our latest Emerge Stronger Podcast....

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