Leading People

"When you become a leader, success is all about others"
Your key responsibilities as a team leader are to support, manage, and develop team members. You set the direction, provide the inspiration, and create the energy within your team to achieve its goals.
So how can you do all that? This course provides the answers.
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Write your awesome label here.

Course Content

  • Motivation
  • Empowerment
  • Trust
  • Inclusivity
  • Fairness
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Team Dynamics
  • Coaching
  • Reflective Journal Activities
  • Downloadable Application Workbook

How this course will benefit you:

On completion of this course you will:
  • Be more confident and comfortable in your ability to lead and develop your team members
  • Be able to more effectively motivate all members of your team
  • Be clearer as to how to create an environment that best enables high performance to achieve your objectives

How this course will benefit your organisation:  

On completion of this course your team leader(s) will be better able to:
  • Have greater awareness of factors that influence the performance of their team so that they can remove obstacles to high performance
  • Establish stronger and more powerful relationships with their team so that the team is more responsive to their leadership
  • More effectively develop the capability of members of their team
  • Ultimately increase the capacity, efficiency and effectiveness of your team(s) in meeting their operational objectives

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