Plan.| Journey.| Discover.|Emerge stronger.

Expeditions are about building capability and confidence while addressing your organisations specific challenges.

As any organisation grows, it will face challenges it won’t have come across before or need to perform key tasks to a more exacting level.

Some of these will require skill sets, experience or even just the confidence that may not yet exist in your current team, but you know the potential is there. We’ll help you unlock it.

Whether you want help with:
  • Enabling innovation
  • Driving change
  • Addressing cultural change
  • Developing a strategy
  • Developing an operational plan
  • Addressing high employee turnover
  • Or pretty much anything you can think of!

By the time we’ve completed your Expedition you and your team will be more capable and more confident in their own abilities. They will emerge stronger!

How we plan your Expedition 

An Expedition has a clearly defined destination and objective and a selected team of people.
 We’re no different.

Initial enquiry

You submit an enquiry form or simply get in touch outlining the challenges you are seeking support to address.

Discovery session

We have an initial meeting to explore in more detail the challenges you identified, the issues they’re presenting and how we can support you in addressing them in a way that works with your ongoing business activity.

Consultation phase

We provide an initial proposal to you and your team with a recommended way forward based on the outputs from the Discovery Session. We work with you to adjust and refine the proposal until we have an agreed Expedition Plan, including key deliverables.

Expedition start

We start the expedition with you and your team.

Progress meetings

We regularly review our collective progress against the Expedition Plan to ensure we remain on track or to agree whether we need to adjust the plan.

Wrap up

Time for tea and medals after a job well done!  We review the results of the expedition to ensure the required outcomes have been achieved.
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